
Expressions of Interest Sought for Kal City Centre Construction

5 September 2020

The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder has opened an expressions of interest process to identify preferred tenderers for the construction of the Kal City Centre Project.

The call for Expressions of Interest is part of a two stage tendering process to identify and shortlist suitable contractors, who will then be identified to tender for the project.

City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder CEO John Walker said it was important to identify contractors who could not only successfully carry out the works to the City’s specifications, but who would also be able to deliver local job creation.

“This is a significant milestone for the Kal City Centre Project, which has the activation and economic transformation of our City at its core, and we want to ensure that the economic benefits of this project are place from the outset, with local sub-contractors and Aboriginal businesses having the opportunity to be involved in construction phase,” Mr Walker said.

“We also want to know from the outset that prospective tenderers have the capacity to undertake a project of this size and complexity.

“By calling for expressions of interest before inviting shortlisted companies to tender, we will get a clearer understanding who we want to be working with, and who is really committed to making the project a success while supporting the overall objectives of a true economic transformation in the heart of the City.”

Interested contractors will also be required to attend a site inspection in mid-September. This will include a networking evening with local businesses who are interested in sub-contracting for the Project.

Expressions of interest close at 2pm on Monday, 5 October 2020. Interested parties can download the EOI documentation from Local sub-contractors interested in working on the Kal City Centre Project can register now at