
Be a part of the City’s Seniors Working Group

7 October 2022

Seniors in the City

The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder is calling for expressions of interest from senior citizens aged 60 and over to be part of a Seniors Working Group.

The team of eight volunteers will be part of a diverse network of people who reside, work or volunteer within the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder and have a wide range of skills, interests, and connections.

The group will assist in the development of the City’s Aged Friendly Strategy and represent the senior community in future discussions on matters that mean the most to them.

Discussions for the establishment of a Seniors Working Group commenced as part of the City’s consultation with seniors and service providers last month.

The City will be working with the Seniors Working Group to develop an Age Friendly Strategy for Council consideration this December. The Strategy will further outline community priorities, future service needs, and initiatives that will support and enhance the health and well-being of older people in the city.

Mayor John Bowler said the City held several successful community consultations with Seniors, who expressed support for the formation of this working group.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for seniors who are looking to get more involved in our community to be around the table and be a part of meaningful discussions on what is needed.”

“We are seeking senior citizens who have good community connections and may represent a special interest group, cultural group, or club. They will be passionate and knowledgeable about their local community and want to engage and support older adults.”

“With a growing aging population, there is a strong need for better information and resource sharing. Word of mouth and hearing from a trusted source has been reported as the preferred method of communication which the working group will greatly assist with,” he said.

The initial phase of the program will require attendance at several meetings, and the City asks that those interested consider the time commitment involved before expressing an interest.

To apply for the Seniors Working Group, Expression of Interest (EOI) forms are available at the Eastern Goldfields Community Centre located at 13 Roberts Street or via

Submissions must be returned via or the Eastern Goldfields Community Centre by 3pm Friday, 21 October 2022.