
City reviews recycled water reserves

2 February 2023

Waste Water Treatment Plant

The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder is currently reviewing water usage in the city, due to the low levels of recycled water at the Piccadilly Street dam, dry summer and lack of rain forecast for February.

A Special Meeting of Council will be held at 7pm, Monday 6 February at the Kalgoorlie Town Hall, to consider short, medium, and long-term strategies to address recycled water reuse.

Councillors were briefed at a meeting on Monday 30 January, on the current recycled water reserve levels and provided with recommendations on possible solutions including recycled water restrictions.

Further information will be provided at the Special Meeting of Council on different strategies to address recycled water reuse throughout the city.

The City is the sole owner and operator of wastewater and recycled water services to Kalgoorlie-Boulder and is the largest operating in Western Australia of its kind, outside of the Water Corporation.

Mayor John Bowler said although the City takes great pride in providing an exceptional standard of parks and gardens through recycled water reticulation, they may need to implement restrictions to ensure the provision of water reserves are adequate for future needs.

“As a result, the possible recycled wastewater restriction may be applied to City-owned parks and reserves, including the Kalgoorlie Golf Course, and private users who purchase recycled water from the City, this will be discussed by elected members at next week’s meeting.”

“We will ensure the impact to all recycled water customers is fair and the same across the board, and in place until we get some good rainfall.”

The City will be communicating with all private recycled water users to discuss their purchasing agreements and will ensure all are kept informed as Council discussions progress.

More information will be available on the City's website following the Special Council Meeting.