About the City's Local Planning Strategy

The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Local Planning Strategy supports the community’s vision of shaping Kalgoorlie-Boulder to be a place where people choose to live, work, and play.

This page provides information on current development applications that require community consultation and public advertising.

Under the City's Local Planning Scheme No. 2, certain types of development applications require community consultation and public advertising to be undertaken, particularly where large-scale developments are being proposed, land use applications or variations to a development standard that may impact on adjoining properties or the surrounding community.

Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP)

As a key component of planning reform in Western Australia, has seen the creation of Regional Joint Development Assessment Panel.

Development Assessment Panel comprises a mix of technical experts and local government representatives with the power to determine applications for development approvals in place of the relevant decision-making authority.

Development applications lodged with the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, where the estimated cost of development is $7 million or over, are required to be sent to the Regional Joint Development Assessment Panel. Applications over $3 million and less than $7 million are sent on an opt-in basis.

Proposed JDAP Applications

The City has received the following development application proposals, which have been sent to the Regional Joint Development Assessment Panel and are open for community input.

Please complete the form below before the nominated closing date to provide your comments.

The City is seeking comment on a proposed development received for a Development Assessment Panel Application - Form 1 - Temporary Workforce Accommodation located at Lot 71 (1) Trasimeno Way and portion of Lot 9000 (45) Bates Drive, Somerville 6430.

Submission Closed

For more information please contact

Planning Officer: Michael Fraser

Phone: 9021 9809

Email: michael.fraser@ckb.wa.gov.au


The City is seeking comment on a proposed development received for a Development Assessment Panel Application - Form 1 - Proposed Motel and Restaurant

Submission Closed

For more information please contact

Planning Officer: Elisa Alanis Fuentes

Phone: 9021 9809

Email: elisalanis.fuentes@ckb.wa.gov.au


The City is seeking comment on a proposed development received for a Development Assessment Panel - Form 2 - Additions and alterations to existing Workforce Accommodation development at Lot 672 (36) Great Eastern Highway, Somerville 6430.

The proposal comprises of the following:

  • A 3m x 6m ablution block at the northeastern aspect of the subject site, adjacent to the BBQ area and Gym, providing access to bathrooms in a convenient location.
  • A 3m x 3m security hut, adjacent to the internal accessway before the car park, providing a security checkpoint before vehicles enter the rear car park.
  • A 2.44m x 12.2m Maintenance building, required for the secure storage of maintenance and gardening
    equipment, adjacent to the rear car park.
  • A 2.44m x 12.2m Locker Building, to provide secure storage for occupants whilst not at the subject site.
  • An airlock was installed at the south eastern aspect of the Dining Building as a result of health requirements.
  • Removal of the south eastern most accommodation unit as a result of acoustic requirements, replacing a removed laundry unit.
  • A reduction of 2 parking bays in comparison to the approved plans to accommodate a bin store of the required dimensions to adequately accommodate waste generated by the facility.

Submission is open until 10 June 2024.

DAP Reference: DAP/22/02195

Planning Officer: Paul Lees

Phone: 08 9021 9600

Email: 3561@ckb.wa.gov.au


  • The City received an application for a proposed 4-storey hotel development for the Development Assessment Panel (DAP). The development consists of:
  • 4-storey development consisting of 200 accommodation units
  • Supporting amenities including reception, office, gym, laundry etc.
  • Restaurant
  • 137 car parking bays with bus parking
  • Significant landscaping including the retention of existing trees within the site frontage.

DAP Reference: DAP/24/02710

Meeting Date: To be determined

Planning Officer: Paul Lees

Phone: 08 9021 9600

Email: 3561@ckb.wa.gov.au


Proposed Development Applications open for feedback

These Development Applications are assessed by the City.

The City is seeking comments on a proposed Hannans Structure Plan (Structure Plan) Amendment No. 2.

The modifications to the approved Hannans structure plan are summarised as follows:

  • modify the structure plan into a Part 1 - Part 2 format as per the Structure Plan Guidelines, presented in a manner
  • and form approved by the Commission;

  • reflect subdivision approvals that have been approved by the Commission and updated structure plan layout having
  • regard to an updated subdivision concept plan;

  • update the structure plan based on town planning, urban design, hydrological, environmental and engineering
  • investigations by DevelopmentWA’s project consultant team;

  • reflect zones and reserves as per the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder’s Local Planning Scheme 2 (LPS2); and
  • extend the duration of approval of the structure plan (as amended) for a further 10 years from the date it is approved by the Commission

  • For more information please contact

    Planning Officer: Elisa Alanis Fuentes

    Phone: 9021 9809

    Email: elisalanis.fuentes@ckb.wa.gov.au


    Structure Plan - Part 1

    Structure Plan - Part 2
