About the City's Local Planning Strategy
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Local Planning Strategy supports the community’s vision of shaping Kalgoorlie-Boulder to be a place where people choose to live, work, and play.
This page provides information on current development applications that require community consultation and public advertising.
Under the City's Local Planning Scheme No. 2, certain types of development applications require community consultation and public advertising to be undertaken, particularly where large-scale developments are being proposed, land use applications or variations to a development standard that may impact on adjoining properties or the surrounding community.
Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP)
A key component of planning reform in Western Australia has seen the creation of Regional Joint Development Assessment Panels.
Development Assessment Panels comprise a mix of technical experts and local government representatives with the power to determine applications for development approvals in place of the relevant decision-making authority.
Development applications lodged with the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, where the estimated cost of development is $7 million or over, are required to be sent to the Regional Joint Development Assessment Panel. Applications over $3 million and less than $7 million are sent on an opt-in basis.
Proposed JDAP Applications
The City has received the following development application proposals, which have been sent to the Regional Joint Development Assessment Panel and are open for community input.
Please complete the form below before the nominated closing date to provide your comments.
No current JDAP application for consultation.
Other Proposed Development Applications open for feedback
These Development Applications are assessed by the City.
The local government has received an application to use and/or develop land for the following purpose and public comments are invited.
Lot No: 51 (No. 158-164) Egan Street, Kalgoorlie, 6430
Proposal: The applicant proposes a change of use to medical consulting rooms
Submissions may be made on the proposal in the period ending Tuesday, 21 February 2025
Planning Officer: Michael Fraser
Phone: 08 9021 9600
Email: mailbag@ckb.wa.gov.au
The local government has received an application to construct a carport, and comments are invited.
The Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) provide a comprehensive basis for the control of residential development throughout Western Australia. The R-Codes have two levels of assessment: a 'Deemed-to-Comply' and a 'Design Principles' assessment. The 'Deemed-to-comply' provisions of the R-Codes are prescriptive in nature whereas the 'Design Principles' are more performance-based.
When a development does not comply with a 'Deemed-to-Comply' provision of the R-Codes, and there is a possible impact on the amenity of adjoining property owners, comments may be sought by the City from those potentially impacted. Following consultations, City Officers will undertake an assessment against the 'Design Principles' prior to determining the application. Further information on this process can be found under Volume 1 of the R-Codes which are available electronically on the Department of Planning website at Residential Design Codes.
With respect to the abovementioned development application, the applicant is seeking a Design Principles assessment in relation to the following:
Clause 5.2.1 Setback of Caports and Garages
- A 1.5-metre setback from the primary street where a minimum of 3 metres is required.
Submissions may be made on the proposal in the period ending Thursday, 20 February 2025.
Planning Officer: Susie Beamish
Phone: 08 9021 9600
Email: mailbag@ckb.wa.gov.au
The City has received an application for the development of an unsealed hardstand and dome shelter to store mining plant and equipment on the abovementioned property. Prior to the City giving consideration to the proposal, comments from surrounding owners are sought.
If you have any comments to make on this proposal, please complete the below Request to Comment Form Friday, 21 February 2025. Any submissions received by the aforementioned date will be considered in determining the application.
Planning Officer: Elisa Alanis Fuentes
Phone: 08 9021 9811
Email: mailbag@ckb.wa.gov.au
Other Planning Consultations
No other current planning consultation