Project Objectives

Kalgoorlie-Boulder has a rich history, (both built and cultural) and the opportunity to grow as an iconic Australian tourism destination. However, like many resource-dependent regional centres, tourism competes with strong demand from the mining industry and there is a need to bring the two industries together as a cohesive force to provide diverse employment opportunities, liveability benefits to the community and economic returns through growing the tourism sector.

The Kalgoorlie Boulder Tourism Plan (KBTP) will be ambitious, respond to current and forecast conditions, provide flexibility, and deliver the greatest potential to create benefits for the community and the regional visitor economy.

The Project aims to:

  • Strengthen

    Strengthen and sustain the City's tourism industry to boost economic and cultural development in the region.

  • Understand

    Understand tourism gaps and opportunities through a comprehensive gap analysis.

  • Engage

    Engage all relevant city stakeholders to position the city as a tourism destination, including a tourism brand.

  • Enable

    Enable the development of ‘experience connectors’ that improve the current visitor experience and achieve dispersal across the wider Goldfields region.

  • Deliver

    Deliver strategic and measurable actions to enable the city to emerge as a compelling and thriving tourism destination, benefiting both visitors and the local community alike.

Who is involved in this project?

The City has appointed project partners DTM Tourism to work with our community to develop this plan for our region. An industry and community engagement strategy has been established to ensure all views from our community are reflected in the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Tourism Plan.

As part of the project, community and business tourism stakeholders meet on a regular basis throughout the development of this Plan.

Last year, key tourism stakeholders were invited to participate in consultation and site visits from the consultation team, and will in April 2024 participate in a branding workshop to provide input into the development of tourism brand.

Have your say

The City invited residents from across Kalgoorlie-Boulder to complete the survey below and provide their views and feedback on tourism in the city.

This survey closed Sunday 9 June 2024.